Living Willow Structures
"Living Willow Form" by Bonnie Gale | $25.00
2024. 40 pages, softbound
This book is the culmination of twenty years of work, creating living willow structures and explores the resultant insights. Includes a personal dedication of your choice and signature and date from the artist. Third edition now available. Shipping is $8.50.
"Stickwork" by Patrick Dougherty | $34.95
2010. 208 pages, softbound
This book shows the fabulous stick work of Patrick Dougherty including design sketches and development.
Willow Sculpture" by Jon Warnes | $23.95
2000. 48 pages, softbound
A must-have British book covering the makings
of living willow wigwams, domes, fences, tunnels,
chairs, arbors and bowers. Good discussion of working
with willows, tools and equipment.
"Arborsculpture: Solutions for a Small Planet"
by Richard Reames | $20.00
2007. 214 pages, softbound
The definitive book by Richard Reames covers all manner of tree growth and manipulation from the past to the present. Arborsculpture describes the art form by which live trees are shaped into useful everyday objects, such as signs, gazebos and living structures. It includes complete instructions for growing your own chair. |
Reeds, Sturdy Shoots (One Gardener's Almanac)"
by Tom Christopher | $5.00
2006. 3 pages
A reprint of the article on Bonnie Gale's living
willow structures in the March, 2006 issue of "House
and Garden Magazine".
Living Willow Sculptures" DVD
by Steve Pickup | $50.00
One hour and 15 minutes
This incredible British DVD covers the construction
of a living willow fedge and arch. It is created by
Steve Pickup, a master living willow installer form
England. Extra features include a gallery of work,
tools and materials as well as other structures.